Legal Accounts
Optional Services
Occasionally there are accounts that may require legal process to close out. If a patient/guarantor has the ability to pay and refuses to resolve an account and meets our suit criteria, we will litigate the claim with written approval from our client.
Rash Curtis & Associates advances all fees and will work to recoup those fees in the suit. Our litigation criteria are as follows:
- Balance must be greater than $1000
- Good credit scores
- Employment over one (1) year
- Assets and/or open credit lines available
- Patient/Guarantor is uncooperative or breaks multiple promises
- Applied/screened for 501(k) rules & regulations
Let's Get Started
Contact us today to learn how our cutting-edge services can be tailored to meet your debt collection needs. We offer no-risk engagements. We don't get paid until you get paid.
Why choose Rash Curtis for your revenue recovery services?
Superior Client Services
We know your system: Highly recognized for our extraordinary customer service and expertise, we work with multiple client systems including, but is not limited to, the following; EPIC, MS4, Siemens, Paragon, Meditech, SMS, Star and AS 400.
Speak to a live person: During our regular business hours, our Client Service Representatives are always available to assist and support you, “we do not believe in voicemail”. You will always talk to a live person, not a machine.
24/7 Account Access: @ Client Services –Secure web-based tool
Rash Curtis provides a powerful real-time / 24-7 secure web based account access and reporting tool for our clients via the internet: @Client Services.
Quality Assurance
All Calls are Recorded
Quality Assurance Practices
Audit, audit and audit, we listen to hundreds of calls per month for training purposes and accountability.
Our effort to maintain the data integrity of our DAKCS system is imperative to our mission of delivering high customer service and achieving superior targeted results.
All employees receive coaching and tiered incentives for meeting and exceeding our audit guidelines, work standards and compliance with all of the laws.
Security and confidentiality are a primary focus.
Monitoring physical, network, and data we employ a Thin Client Environment, and personnel security screening.
“Thin Client” terminals in use for our Account Representatives.
Data Security: All servers and backups are guarded 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week.
SAS 70 Type II Certified